Slow down and smell the roses

~ Achieving more from life than you have now is simply a matter

of doing the right things in the correct order.Andy Shaw


Consider, could you live your life savouring every moment, or do you need (choose) to rush?

Consider, do you think you can get their faster with rushing… Now if you do think you can then you may want to question that assumption… As considering it could save you a wasted and painful life… So you may wish to read this again…




On today’s step of the journey through your mind… I’m going to briefly mention a few things which may stick in your mind… Or may not… We shall see!

It doesn’t matter if they do or do not. What matters today is the seed is planted for later on…

The main purpose of today is to give you a few very special and powerful moments.

The whole world is full up with Mr and Mrs Bumps

Let’s begin…

world-full-upThe whole world is full of people who are bumping through life by accident, but thinking they are working to a plan.

It’s only when they slow down enough to notice that they’ve ended up somewhere they do not want to be, do they realise that they MAY be doing it wrong.

The problem is our body is designed to take things away from us that we perceive as valueless, or getting in our way.

As it does so, it often runs us on auto pilot while it removes from our conscious awareness the annoying, monotonous, or useless task.

If you have ever experienced driving somewhere and almost waking up somewhere along the way whilst wondering how you got there, then you’ve seen this happening.

Meaning you have been awake but unconscious at the same time, and so you were unaware of what was going on.

If there was a problem for you to handle, then your body would’ve switched you back to a state of presence (being conscious and aware) in a fraction of a second.

Consider, our minds are so powerful that they can run our lives without us when we have taught them the basics! However, they cannot improvise with new solutions, just past examples.




time-flies-2The problem is, we THINK that each year time gets shorter and shorter as we age.

So on a perpetual basis we succumb to the indoctrination that rushing is the only way… Because we are short on time…

Meaning without any consideration at all we buy into the belief, if we don’t rush we cannot get what we want.

A very cunning self administered trap which is endorsed by our peers and with an abundance of examples from the rest of the world…

But back to the years getting shorter as we age…

They don’t the length of time stays the same, it’s a constant. However, our perception of it has changed because of our accumulated unconscious actions.




What’s going on is as we age our bodies are running us more and more on auto pilot. We begin to be able to do more without thought, so more of our time is switched from conscious to unconscious because we are unaware of our mind doing it.

Our mind does is naturally because we are designed this way to help us. However, our mind does not realise we do not want consciousness deleted from our life




So the more we rush, the more our bodies take away from us… This still may not sound like a problem right now I know, but I’m coming to that, read on…

Then things like the TV hypnotise us from almost the moment we look at it. Often you’ll get up from a TV program and not be able to remember it. Just think about a TV show you watched last night…

You don’t remember much of it because you were in a trance… You were conscious because you were watching it, but you were unconscious too at the same time.

The same thing can happen when doing a repetitive task, or reading a newspaper, or even whilst studying something.

Basically we are custom built with a mind that can cope with an infinite number of things and so takes them away from us.

It sounds good apart from the losing time part right?

smartphone-addiction-2But here’s the problem…

It switches off the good bits of life too!

We don’t notice it when it does, but it does…

People in general are in what I call the waking sleep. They are unconscious of most of their actions.

They are sleeping through life…

You can feel this is true, but your ego will probably be trying to convince you that YOU don’t do it too much




You or rather your ego may not have liked that very much… And if you don’t know it’s true, look into interviews with old people near their death, they regret what they didn’t do, not what they did.

When I was coming under a lot of attacks because my financial world was crumbling at the time of the Credit Crunch. People used to say to me, ‘how can you not react to a persons attack.’

Their attacks were unconscious and the actions of a mind that was running on auto-pilot. So from my point of view I just felt compassion for them as they didn’t even know they were unconscious.

The next question will probably be, ‘why did I feel compassion to someone intending to hurt me’, simple there was no benefit for me in having any other feeling.

Just think about it for a second…

When someone says something hurtful to another, do you think they were conscious and aware of their insult, or do you think they were more likely to be unconscious and unaware?…

Yes there are people who like to create pain for others, but that’s just a very deep state of unconscious thinking… The vast majority of the unconscious population are just walking around in a sleep and thinking they are doing it (living their life) mostly right.

This is a big subject and I could delve into it from all angles, but I don’t want to. As right now today, it’s not necessary.

Today I’m just going to show you how to separate from this unconscious state and begin working on becoming predominantly present again, in exactly the same way as you were when you were a child…

The secret to becoming predominantly present is to slow down and smell the roses…

vThis is a wonderful saying which can help you love everyday no matter where you are, IF YOU allow it to.

Today, I’d like you to look at nature for just a few minutes and appreciate it for that time.

Look at how nature accomplishes everything but does not rush and is not busy.

Look deeply at a flower, or a tree. Look closely at it and stare at the wonder of it.

As you’re doing it, appreciate taking just a few moments for yourself to slow down and enjoy a moment in your life.

Be grateful if you want to, for being alive and getting to experience this wondrous world we live in.

Today see if you can find 3 or 4 times to just soak yourself into a moment for just 3 or 4 minutes at a time.

Appreciate it and be grateful while you do as there’s some real magic in doing it.

Which you will ONLY understand IF you go on the journey of discovery… Whether you do so or not is of course entirely your choice




Let me know how you feel after you do it below. If you’d like to of course. 🙂

The other thing to do today is continue listening or reading 1 to 3 minutes of the Bug Free Mind Process when you have short periods of time free, and see what you learn. (You can get the free sections here if you don’t yet have them)

That’s it for today, I’ll be back soon with a small structured thought to help keep you awake and present for much more of the day.

Best wishes,



P.S. If you are finding these Footsteps Through Your Mind are having quite an effect on how you feel then you are in for a lot more treats in upcoming Footsteps…

However, these Footsteps are only giving a tiny glimpse of what your capable of feeling, if you’d like to see how far the rabbit hole goes then you’ll want to begin the full A Bug Free Mind Process.


23 thoughts on “Slow down and smell the roses”

  1. david cox says:


  2. Virginia says:

    I do not believe in rushing, it’s not good for you physically, emotionally, intellectually, or for your soul. Sure, there are times when speed is necessary, but not as a routine. Enjoy nature. Stop and listen to the whole song. Sit and do nothing for a few minutes – maybe with your eyes closed – just to decompress. Stare at your decor and remember why you obtained certain items – might bring back some good memories. Take your time eating – I don’t chew 100 times like I was told as a child – but I am the slowest eater in any group. Stretch now and then. You don’t have to power walk – pay attention to your surroundings. Daydream. As Andy states: there is magic in appreciating and expressing gratitude for what it is your life.

  3. Pauli says:

    After reading your books, I have wondered almost automaticly many times, now more often, many wondorous things in the world we are living. Things we think that just are normal and we don’t pay attention at all. Everything we have here in the world are just so great, unbelievable good arrenged for us all!!!

  4. Khadeja says:

    Hi Andy,
    Happy New Year! Very informative and concise. I personally think that I have an issue with timing. I am actually a person who thinks that I have everything in life and appreciate that too much, way too much! However, there is this one thing that I truly desire which is to get married. I am currently in a committed relationship that is not official yet. I always try to control my feelings, emotions and most importantly be PATIENT but I keep getting the thoughts of me getting older (30 yrs) and whenever I hear a story of someone getting engaged or married I feel happy for them but I also feel upset of my current situation. I know that my thoughts shape my reality and do my best to keep them aligned with my desire but I sometimes feel the urge to do something…I generally believe that everything is possible and easy to happen which makes me frustrated of why then I am then having that next step that I want to come for a long time. How can I truly and from within have the ability to genuinely enjoy the NOW and stop worrying about my relationship and where is it heading? Maybe stop willing to know what is going to happen??

    Thank you,

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Khadeja,

      The secret is to design your life with your perfect partner. Go and experience it fully having happened until you reach the point of feeling like it is either certain to happen, or even that it feels like it has happened. From there you will be able to stop worrying about it.

      I spent 1 day teaching this technique at a Life Design Getaway seminar, so the paragraph above is a somewhat abbreviated version. I would suggest getting the seminar recordings to really get the full experience that this technique delivers.

      Best wishes,


  5. Bruno Bogdan says:

    Hy Andy,
    What you are doing for the people is wonderful. Now I’m begining to understand what is meaning to look to a tree, flower how is growing up. It takes time to have this’ 3 or 4 minutes to look to a flower how is growing up or how it smells’ but the idea is amazing

    Best wishes,
    Bruno Bogdan

  6. Marc says:


    I have not yet bought into your program. However I am enjoying very much your little notes and thoughts on this process. For years now I’ve been following a number of self-help guru’s. All toll, they’ve helped me out, but none of them have inspired me to make that quantum leap into unlimited possibilities. I’m starting to think you might be the guy that can do that. Keep sending your little inspirational emails, my mind is mulling over this big time.


  7. David A. Walker Finn says:

    Hi Andy,
    Although I still require much awakening, I have been aware of the need to maintain own pace, ie., avoid rushing, and to appreciate the manifestation that is all around us in Nature, and your reminder is most appropriate and timely, even as is your advice about time’s passage; what matters here is how it is spent, -(the more monotonous and boring,- the more rapid it seems, and that is the crucial word), to pass.
    Thank you again,

  8. Tamara says:

    Thank you for everything, and today, especially for this:

    …why did I feel compassion to someone intending to hurt me’, simple there was no benefit for me in having any other feeling.

    Just think about it for a second…

    When someone says something hurtful to another, do you think they were conscious and aware of their insult, or do you think they were more likely to be unconscious and unaware?…

  9. Jackie says:

    I’ve been keeping a gratitude journal for just over a year and it has really helped me to not only enjoy the present and look forward to the future, but to also be patient with myself and allow time for whatever needs doing. The most interesting thing that has come of this practice, however, has been that I have discovered more pleasant memories from my past, where I had been prone to focusing on the struggles.
    This has made recognizing and stopping unhelpful thoughts easier. Thanks for your wisdom!

  10. alan says:

    As a pilot I am all ways watching the weather and i often can spend several minutes watching clouds or the effect of wind and of course sunrises and sunsets!

  11. Marie says:

    Hi Andy, it feels so good to watch flowers, trees and water fromrivers or seas…. But today I had another breakdown at work because they give us so much work to do (law relating) and before finishing so many interruptions to do another research and another note or problem solving and…. as if we must do the work of three days in one. I stop to do the 15s when I can but rarely at work. Can you share an idea to overcome this stress at work ? Thank you.
    All the best. Marie

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Marie,

      If I told you how to cure stress here you wouldn’t believe me. But it is completely curable, and when you understand where and how it is created then you can learn to stop it happening. I cover it in the first part of the process Creating A Bug Free Mind. Please understand when you read it, t will appear to be too simple, so take it slowly as it is the cure and you do not have to live with stress despite what your ego, your peers and in fact the entire world thinks.

      Best wishes,


  12. Steph says:

    I cannot fail to be thankful for where I am, right now. Thank you Andy

  13. Deborah Wade says:

    Hi Andy, these footsteps are amazing. You have helped me very much to understand more positive thinking and stop the negative thoughts. This is wonderful and I am so glad to be able to take the time to read the footsteps. I will purchase the book soon. Thanks so much, Deborah

  14. Tamara says:

    AHA! …

  15. Adam Sobas says:

    Hi Andy,
    I have been wondering about time running faster as we get older for quite some time now as I’m getting older and considering running out of it too quickly. This running on autopilot or body memory I considered to be something good, not so much now that I see that it’s stealing my time. I should be able to decide when I want to go on autopilot and for long. Being conscious and awake is much better and more time to enjoy life. Thanks Andy you are the best!!!

  16. Terry Bryant says:

    Thank you for this footstep, the present moment is beginning to be very valuable to me.

  17. NigelG says:

    It’s strange how we’re always ready to complain and moan when something doesn’t work properly but when do we feel grateful for the many more times when they do? We don’t even think about any of them. It’s great to be grateful just for their existence in this amazing world. So thanks Andy for reminding me.

  18. Dan says:

    I concur with what Marc had to say above. I copied and pasted it below again. You are “moving me” and I like it.


    I have not yet bought into your program. However I am enjoying very much your little notes and thoughts on this process. For years now I’ve been following a number of self-help guru’s. All toll, they’ve helped me out, but none of them have inspired me to make that quantum leap into unlimited possibilities. I’m starting to think you might be the guy that can do that. Keep sending your little inspirational emails, my mind is mulling over this big time.


  19. Lu Bryant says:

    I would like to hear more about dealing with unconscious people who are wanting to hurt you, my ego is definitely fighting this one!!!

  20. Janet G. says:

    I know it is to my benefit, yet I keep forgetting to do this. My experience several years ago was this: It was the weekend and I “just had to get soooo much stuff done”. So I’m hurrying down the street when I literally stopped dead in my tracks and said to myself ” why am I rushing?? it’s the weekend I have no reason to run around like a chicken without a head”. So lo and behold I stopped physically where I was at and felt all the energy I was cutting through rush back around me. All of a sudden I began to feel things that I was actually missing. Now I’m not labeling anything in particular, but life itself, the feeling surrounding me was missing from my senses. So when I stopped and began walking very slowly, I started feeling the energy, life itself. I began experiencing it for the first time consciously.

  21. Linda H says:

    It’s easy to let the rush around you sweep you along with it. I recently went to a store and when I finally got to the counter to pay, was calm and kind and patient. It made a big difference to the clerk. That is only possible if we are in the present and are comfortable with ourselves and others around us. Not attributing “bad” intentions to others who may or may not be trying to hurt or impede us gives us the freedom to be fully present and fully forgiving of unkindness from others. I felt compassion for those who were rushing and frantic around me, and not offended. Much better way to live!
    Thanks Andy

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