What if you could make a design for something happening in your life, and then have it happen?
What would that do for your life?
What if you COULD actually do this? … And what if it took you less than a day to learn this kind of special skill… A skill that some would even call a ‘Super Power’
Well I don’t expect you to believe me right now as it all seems like a bit too faroff of the reality map…
That’s what I would’ve thought too if I hadn’t actually been able to do it.
But I know, that’s just me…
However, I like to consider myself quite a good teacher, and I taught myself to
teach this.
So if you give me a chance to explain, then there just may be a chance I can convince you that you really could do it too!
Because isn’t it worth a few minutes of your time, just for the possibility that you really could do this too?
I’ll now get straight to the point… Then give you an example… Then explain what’s in the course
I first taught this live at what I called The Life Design Getaway.
In this one day seminar I taught a lot of skills in using your mind to create and KNOW, not ‘believe’ that what you desire was going to happen – For REAL!
This KNOWING creates a feeling of certainty and allows for the essential ingredient of detachment from what you desire to happen.
Basically, how it works is: You design it – You feel it has happened – Then your need for it drops because it feels certain you will get it.
What happens next automatically is you get out of your own way, and therefore allow your dreams to be manifested into your reality.
It is in the act of detachment (letting go), it allows what you desire to be created. You are still attached to it happening, but you do not need it to, because it has already happened for you.
Meaning you are detached and attached at the same time and in the perfect state to manifest your design.
Sounds easy right? It is when you know how.
At the seminar I taught how to do exactly this. Not understand this, but how to do this.
During the day in a 10 minute test 65% of the people in the room created the impossible in their minds.
As you’ll see in the recordings, I asked the remaining 35% if they had an hour then did they feel they could too? They all said yes.
The seminar we recorded came at the end of our world tour, where I taught this skill and at every event.
At each event 65% of people were able to achieve this mindset in just 10 minutes! …And the remaining 35% all thought they could do it in an hour.
It took me training them for a couple of hours to get them to that point, but still when ready they achieved the impossible in 10 minutes.
Now once you have the ability to create the impossible, then anything possible becomes child’s play…
The key ingredient to you getting what you desire from life, is in you KNOWING you can do it.
Not thinking positively that you can, but in you actually KNOWING you can… In exactly the same way as you KNOW you can brush your teeth.
So I’ll ask you again…