Going Way Beyond Positive Thinking

Discover the secret of HOW to actually think positively

positive attitudeIf you have previously spent virtually any time at all in the personal growth area then it is almost certain that you cannot have avoided at least some work on Positive Thinking.

Unfortunately despite this being if not the biggest error of teaching in personal growth, then it is definitely one of the biggest. What I’m going to give you here in this report is something which may well completely remove your need or desire to ever think positively again…

The idea is that instead of it being hard to think positively, the techniques I share here should make it easy and virtually effortless to live positively.

Best wishes,




If you’d like to share this video then please feel free to do so.

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Also you may enjoy the short video extract below which came from a Q & A webinar where I answered the question:

“Could you talk about the difference between positive thinking and no mind?”


If you have any questions about thinking positively then please feel free to ask them in the comments below. Andy answers all questions himself, so there will likely be a delay in him responding though he will do so.



38 thoughts on “Going Way Beyond Positive Thinking”

  1. Constance Hamilton says:

    I have mental disabilities how can a person stay positive with this kind of mental emotional delay…

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Constance,

      Simple, by learning to think effectively. I do not know exactly how your disability affects you. However, the fact that you can write means you are more than capable of structuring your thinking, no matter what speed level your thinking is.

      Best wishes,


      1. Gini says:

        That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard, Andy!

  2. George Thomson says:

    Thanks Andy the clip did help and yes I was putting positive thinking and No Mind in the the sam box . This has given me a good explanation of the difference

  3. Cindy says:

    No mind mentality in dealing with a cancer death of a loved one, my husband…..we were just beginning a life that we had planned carefully for in retirement. He is gone. Period. I am left to deal with life alone.

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Cindy,

      I strongly suggest you buy my first book and begin reading it really will help you through this very difficult time. Just from what you have said in those few sentences you are carrying a lot of pain and this is very destructive for your health, you still have your life in front of you, don’t choose to give in to the pain, there is a way to be completely free of it and at peace… And really live and enjoy the rest of your life.

      Best wishes,


    2. Ashley says:

      Hi Cindy. Really sorry to hear your news. I know how hard it can be to let go of your thoughts and dreams that were suddenly taken from you. I don’t believe one should try to let go of the dreams or the horrible circumstances, until you are ready. If you practise Andy’s method of continuously remembering the many different wonderful times and your husband shared, for 15 seconds – 15 minutes, you will gradually lose the angry charge against the shattered dreams and the cancer and you will be in a state to let go naturally, when the time is right. It is similar to trying to think positively; it doesn’t work until you are ready, and then thinking positive becomes natural and you are not even aware of it. Practise Andy’s non-negative thinking and the anger and hopelessness will dissipate. Don’t let go of your husband’s memory and dreams, rather embrace the wonderful times you had together. Hope that helps. Ashley

    3. Gerhard Paasche says:

      Hey Cindy,
      Sorry to read what you have gone through. I hope you are doing better with time.
      I have read two books from Michael Newton “Journey of Souls” and “Destination of Souls” both about Hypnosis and Regression into past lives reporting about reincarnation, life between lives and how thousands of people have gone through this to find peace. Many people who have lost loved ones, have found their peace after reading one or both of these books. There is also a documentary called “Flipside” that shows live regressions of people and it is worth watching. Just approach it with an open mind and let the story take you to a different place. It is simply beautiful and has taken my fear from death of self and loved ones.
      Sending you love and Blessing s for healing. G

  4. LENI MATHEWS says:

    Excellent reaffirmation of just being – in a mindless way or what we may call a meditative way. Observing the presence of thoughts , acknowledging its presence and then engaging with a natural process of engaging towards your life purpose or disengaging – detaching if its useless. Its a natural choice of crossing the road in the here and now.
    Really useful in coaching – bringing transformative outcomes.

  5. Raewyn says:

    Brilliant explanation. I will use it from today onwards. Thank you

  6. Kevin says:

    The download (literally and figuratively) of this work is how to think. One of the best pieces of information I’ve read in my life. Excellent.

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Thank you 🙂

  7. Freida says:

    Thank you I have always had trouble with trhing to think positive. But in my life II call it winging it. Taking things as they come. I do love your explanation of it. My grandma use to say when we were upset about something This too will pass. Life is change.

  8. Svetlana says:

    Hi, thank you for sharing the idea; it is worth to keep in mind and try to apply. Andy, what would you say about “As a man thinketh of James Allen”? I have a pile of books waiting for their turn (the technique of getting things done by D.A.Laird, books of Wallace D. Wattles, Stella Adler, and The miracle of right thought by O.S.Marden…) And there are few books I’ve read already (psycho-cybernetics by M. Matltz, The power of your subconsious mind by Joseph Murphy, Think and Grow rich by N. Hill) All were recommender by Bob Proctor. I attended his online seminars and lectures for the last 13 months. The purpose was improving self-esteem and overcoming mediocrity. I plan to buy your book, but having a lot of the material, not in a hurry, as dispite all the wisdom offered, it doesn’t penetrate my mind and doesn’t changes me. My expectations of a miracle transformation of my life are blocked by inability to overcome procratination and comfort zone. Life purpose and worthy ideal are still meant for someone else.

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Svetlana,

      As a man thinketh is a book I’ve never read although people often tell me a lot of what I say is in James’s book, so I will get round to it one day.

      As for improving self-esteem and overcoming mediocrity, these are not things to work on. Yes I know that’s not what you’ve been told. These are the same sort of thing as low self confidence. You don’t work on those, you work on another area which when you succeed with it, then it results in an environment where low self esteem, confidence and a feeling of mediocrity simply cannot exist. So you fix all of them and they stay fixed whilst using the least effort possible. However, focusing on them to fix them will only result in them growing. In other words you will feel worse than you do now despite having learnt a heck of a lot to fix it. Yes I know it isn’t what you’ve been told, however, it is how it works.

      All of those books are good, I have read Wallace Wattles and Maxwell Maltz and think their work was excellent. However, it was all about what to think, what I teach is how to think. How to think is the language for the mind that allows what to think information to become applicable. Without knowing how to think then what to think information is just information for the sake of information and a good feeling. This was what I got into personal development to fix, as those books worked for me as I already had a mind that knew how to think, meaning their work was applicable for me. But it isn’t for most. And for someone who is focusing on overcoming what you are, then I can guarantee it won’t work for you YET… Though it will all make you feel good, you will learn a lot more than you know now, but it will not fix what you are attempting to fix.

      This is why all of what you are learning is not penetrating your mind, it is just what to think… ALL of it will work, but not until your mind knows how to think first. Just because you are reading this, and all that other stuff does not mean you know how to think to get results. It just means you are knowledgable about the subject matter. I am both knowledgable, though not as knowledgable as some, but I know how to apply it all to get the results I desire.

      The problem is you are also attempting to overcome procrastination the wrong way too, the reason you are struggling with that is another how to think problem. For example, there are good and bad types of procrastination. I use the good, and avoid the bad. Whereas you probably only think procrastination to be bad. This is because you are being taught what to think, not how to think.

      Right now I’d say you are probably doing a load of different stuff to try and get a result. So you’ll probably feel pretty burnt out. The question you may wish to consider is, how much longer am I going to continue doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

      Best wishes,


  9. Patricia Headford says:

    Thank you Andy. Your words are always uplifting.

  10. Anne says:

    Hello Andy, This video was good, I also find too much effort in trying to think positively and always try to focus on not thinking negatively. I’m trying to manifest something and I’m having a lot of resistance which is making me feel very depressed. I guess I’m supposed to stop the resistance by “letting go” but I’m finding this really hard. I have manifested some really big things and I know how I did them but this one thing is to do with love and so it seems to have a higher “price” attached to it, I’m really struggling. I’d really appreciate any tips please. Thx, Anne 🙂

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Anne,


      Firstly you are trying too much. If you re-read your comment you may see trying features a lot in how you write. Trying is a state which is one of you saying, ‘I do not have this, and I am doubting if I can get it.’ This is why trying really is the first step towards failure. Now the problem is the word trying is used by everyone (including me), but when I and people who succeed in getting what they desire (as I am sure was you too in the things you achieved) say we are trying, our state of mind is; we are doing this and it will happen. So we are not trying at all, we are doing. But we already know it will happen, because we already have it in our minds. Meaning there is no doubt.

      How you wrote your comment above was you were in the more common state of trying, ‘I’m trying this but I doubt it will work. – I don’t know how long I will be able to keep trying as I’ll probably give up at some point and won’t get it.’

      Now this state of mind creates a feeling of depression, which is what you are experiencing.

      Intellectually knowing that you should stop resistance and let go is almost 100% useless to you, as you know it but cannot do it. The answer is to go through the Process as clearly you were able to do it without thought at an earlier point in your life. However, your mind is not static and you correctly though by accident got it right before. The process teaches you to discover how you did it before, so you can go back to that way of thinking. After that point manifesting will become easy again as it once way.

      One point I will also make though, we all have free will, so for one person to affect another without them wanting it too is going against the way things work. When I achieve success with getting what I desire from another I design it so that they choose it to be that way, and I do not limit it to an exact person, I just design the person.

      Best wishes,


  11. radimir says:

    I trying over 25 years thinking positive,i read so many selfhelp books,about positive thinking. I was unhappy,poor, without job or very hard jobs,very low paid. Andy Shaw has absolute true!!! He is send by God or his angels to me and us.

  12. Tj says:

    Hi Andy. Can you please clarify a point for me or help me to understand a concept? In the article and book, you state that “to get something you haven’t got, you must have already had it in your mind”. If that’s the case, then isn’t thinking about or defining some thing or relationship which I desire But do not currently have, positive thinking?

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Tj,

      Not at all. Positive thinking is a phrase which is used to cover a lot of things. The problem with words is they are a pretty weak form of communication and so they can easily get misused and misunderstood.

      The point you mention is you actually thinking about things which fit into the positive category. This is not positive thinking. You are merely thinking things which are positive.

      Positive thinking is when you are attempting to focus on only positive things whilst excluding negative things. In other words you are a) trying to hard, and b) going against the flow of life.

      Now when you are defining what you desire, which you have yet to acquire, there is simply no space for negative thoughts as they do not benefit you. So you are not positive thinking, you are just noticing thoughts which come up occasionally as negative and allowing them to leave as they are of no benefit. So this is not positive thinking.

      The answer for you probably lies in the analogy where you look at your mind as a garden. If you leave it untended then plenty of weeds will grow. However, if you plant plenty of flowers then there is less space for weeds. Occasionally you notice a weed and so as a gardener you remove it. So maybe look at your mind as a garden.

      However, when you are defining your desire you will at some point after putting in ENOUGH data will feel like it is certain. That it is bound to happen. This is the point where you have had it happen in your mind. You are not thinking positive as this is not really a thought it is a feeling. In other words at this point you feel like you already have it. Yet in our physical reality clearly you do not. But you feel like you do. This is the inspiration point and when achieved you feel you are just going back to what you already have. This enables you to feel detached from actually needing to get it, because you already have it. There is no positive thinking here, just a collection of thoughts which are all positive, not negative.

      Best wishes,


  13. Sherwood says:

    Our minds can evaluate a situation with positive and negative thoughts. When we need to make a selection our minds use the negative rather than the positive. We notice what is wrong or what does not fit our criteria and then eliminate that selection. Now if we concentrated on the positive we might not get anywhere, because most selections have positive attributes. This is used in hiring someone. A qualified candidate might be eliminated because of his poorly written resume or his social habits on Facebook. The employer looks for negative to narrow down the candidates. Maybe he should concentrate on the positive or what the candidate can bring to the corporation as an employee. So that why we say think positive. But using our negative evaluation speeds the selection process.

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      I’ve been guilty of doing that myself.

  14. Gregory Palmer says:

    That is great awesome!

  15. Stephens says:

    Dear Andy,

    The purpose of all your work is on achieving HAPPINESS. Just the other day I realized that my desire was going after something that I (and even my subconscious mind) had no idea what it is, which is HAPPINESS.

    How would you define happiness Andy? I know it takes a different meaning from one person to the next but I’m interested to know what it is. I’ve asked some people what HAPPINESS is but all they could tell me was what made them happy. My conclusion is that they don’t know what HAPPINESS is either. I’d love to hear what your definition of HAPPINESS is as I know it ties in with the subject matter of this blog post.

    I’d also love to hear what other people on here think.

    Warmest Regards

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Stephens,

      As you rightly say happiness means different things to us all…

      But, happiness is the goal behind all goals. For example, if you want to buy a fancy house or car, then you want to do it because it makes you happy. If you want to find the perfect person to spend your life with, then you do because it makes you happy.

      Happiness is the driver. We go to work so that we get paid enough to live and enjoy a few moments, because they make us happy.

      I could write a chapter covering each topic and exploring some of the key angles that come off from each, so please accept these as broad statements 🙂

      Personally to me, lots of things make me happy. My work which I spend my predominant time on makes me happy. It makes me happy to share what I know, it makes me happy when others benefit from my work and find happiness themselves. It makes me happy to strive to make a successful business – whether it is struggling or successful I am still happy. I am happy around my family, I am happy around my friends. I looked at what made me happy and feel grateful and then decided to create an abundance of that in my life, because then I can take from this abundance of happiness and there is always more available.

      Best wishes,


  16. paula says:

    Dear Andy,
    Replacing the effort of positive thinking by ‘no mind’ is fun, still not easy but fabulous. I think it’s beginning to work or I to understand.
    It reminds me of my state of mind during meditation. But different because this feels more like a switch. More like I detach from outcomes but am more in control.
    Thanks for your new gift!

  17. Nancy Peden says:

    simply feeling stuck. have studied no mind for over 20 years. recently diagnosed with serious genetic disease. low methylation actually causes a loss of ability to feel spirituality, which may be fine as i find human interaction to be true spirituality. it also causes suggestibility so my self trust has eroded and this year has ravaged me. i got monoxide poisoning which is very bad for my health, my landlords are trying to evict me after 12 years and my ex has stopped paying alimony. i have at least 2 court cases to prepare for. exhausted and very empty. i really do try to trust this process but it flags a lot.

    nancy, monterey, ca, usa

  18. Jeffrey says:

    Hi Andy,
    I have purchased both books on the Bug Free Mind. They are the best and most exciting literature I have ever read or I should reading. I think you are a genius. Thank you for what you do, you are changing my life everyday. When I start reading it is difficult to stop. I practice everything you teach in the books and I will achieve my goals because of what you teach!! Again thank you!!

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Thank you Jeffrey 🙂

  19. Neil says:

    It makes so much sense…..thank you…….had a flash thought….looked at it….and decided to share…..an analogy…..thoughts that arise are like receiving our emails…..we look at each one and decide if it is of benefit to us to open it , or in the case of an email ..delete it. What do you think? Neil

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      I like it.

  20. Svetlana says:

    Wow, Andy, thank you very much for clarification. I am impressed and going to order your books right away. Let’s try your way. For me, your attitude here on that webpage means a lot. One question: knowing myself, while I’ll be stading the material in your books, if there are any systematic exercises to apply, there will be a challenge I couldn’t overcome yet. Listening or reading the material I get inspired and optimistic, feel good, like you said. But when it comes to daily exercises, then I always have a million things, I am responsible to do first. As a result, there is absolutely no time left to exercise meditation, visualisation, affirmaton, gratitude… I always plan to do it tomorow, on weekend, or on holidays. There is always a “tomorrow”:) How to break that habit with no much effort? Or is that covered in your book? Have a wonderful Christmas time. Best regards, Svetlana

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Svetlana,

      It is covered in the book in different ways at different times. However, the secret is to recognising that all work you are doing and therefore filling your time with may be taking you in a direction which is different to the way you actually need to go. When you grasp what that means for your life, you won’t have to think about making time to do a few minutes each day, instead you will just find yourself making the time.

      So it will work fine to begin with, however, your ego will attempt to take you away from the simplicity of this in a few months time. So that’s when to be more cautious.

      Best wishes,


  21. Rhys Morton-Ross says:

    Thanks for the video and information Andy, it has certainly shone a light on a subject which I had always struggled with. I have read some of the books mentioned above, as a man thinketh, think and grow rich, read and listened to material from Bob Proctor to name a few. But the whole concept of positive thinking and what you focus your thoughts and attach emotion to is what you will attract back is a concept I have found difficult to apply in my life with any great results.

    The reason for this is I have for a while struggled with this whole negative free thinking concept and began to believe it was a load of BS, because it just felt totally unnatural to to try and act in such a way. It felt like I was stepping in the way and trying to force my mind to work in a way that it is not supposed to, and because I was feeling like that, I started to think that there was something wrong with me and the way I think, because all these positive thinking and positive psychology experts were saying otherwise.

    Your explanation has triggered a sense of relief in me and confirmed what I was already thinking about this whole topic. Prior to reading this, I was starting to doubt what I was doing, to allow negative thoughts to simply come into mind and simply pass by like a floating cloud, I was not sure if I was doing the right thing, but it did feel more relaxed and much easier to me. But because there was a part in a book, I think it was in Think & Grow Rich that states something along the lines of – ‘Working on improving your mind and thoughts is some of the hardest work you will ever do.’ I believed what I was doing was wrong, because it didn’t feel like hard work, where as the way they say it should be done, was hard.

    The way I see it, if you try to squash or forcefully stop any negative thought in your mind, you have not allowed that thought to fully reveal itself to you, so have left it unfinished so to speak. Because you focused your mind and thoughts onto something positive, that partial negative thought is still there lurking in your mind, sat there just waiting for the next time to be triggered. To me I see these as little land mines in your mind that will blow up sometime in your future because you stopped it dead in its tracks and shifted to something positive.

    I mean seriously, how can you possibly prevent and shroud yourself from anything negative in your life unless you place yourself in a protective bubble and remove yourself entirely from human existence, it’s just absurd. That is not living the flow of life.

    Thanks Andy for sharing this, looking forward to reading and listening to all your other content.


  22. Ingrid Twigg says:

    Hi Andy. You said write it down, so here goes… On the PDF there is a paragraph which really sunk in somewhere, ie brought something home to me. It’s the one where you refer to yourself, Trump & Branson. You said “if a thought arises & you think what is the benefit of me thinking it?”. Well, that made me “know” or at least begin to know that we have a CHOICE in what we think. I likened it to a large buffet, where we walk alongside the table, some items of food we look at & think yuk, no way, not for me & walk on. Other items we go, yum, yes please, I’ll have some of that. There are other morsels still where we KNOW they are bad for us ( make us bloated, feel yucky) but we still choose to have a little nibble. Sometimes we choose to just walk on by & not eat any of the items of food presented to us. The point is, we are not force fed EVERYTHING on the table, hoping that we like it, waiting to see if the food makes us feel good/ gives us energy or makes us ill. Our food choice is not left to chance or someone else’s choice, it is OUR CHOICE!! If I said to a friend “do you choose what you think?”, they would probably say they choose what to think about what I think (ie they have an opinion on me/ judge my actions but no they don’t choose what they think! Silly! No one chooses their thoughts. They can’t help what they think. They just think what they think. Ha!!! That’s like saying you are force fed a random load of food, waiting for the outcome of how it makes you feel. Anyway, this has helped me, so thank you! I am grateful! Ps I always wanted to write a book, perhaps I’ll build that into my dream. Perhaps I’ll call it “The Empty Plate”. Kind regards, Ingrid :0)

  23. Madalina says:

    hi Andy.

  24. kim says:

    Ditto Cindy. My husband too. Its a big curve ball the Universe through at us! excepting that he died was so difficult even though he died right before my very eyes I only had 3 months 9 days left with him afters he was diagnosed, there was no quality time as caring for him took it all. It will get better and your husband would want that for you and that’s where I found my strength. There’s a big beautiful world out there just waiting for you Cindy I wish you all the best as I know your pain. Please pass this on thank you

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