Lesson 3: The ABC Guide To Living A Legendary Life

~ Achieving more from life than you have now is simply a matter

of doing the right things in the correct order.Andy Shaw

Lesson 3: The ABC Guide To Living A Legendary Life


Now you’ve learnt some simple ways to turn on, or rather tune in to the power of your subconscious mind… We're now going to cover life’s biggest problem. 

However, it’s a problem that doesn’t look like it’s the biggest problem thanks to how our chaotic thinking creates another mind trap.

When you hear what this problem is, you may initially shrug and consider that you ‘know it’. However, to know something means you are applying it.

If you are not applying it then you are only at the destructive level of knowing something… Where your knowing it, is actually preventing you from realising that you don’t really know it…

After you’ve watched the video you will probably want to read that paragraph again… However, the controller of your mind, will do it’s best to stop you doing that by serving up a distraction or two…

All I can do is tell you what is PROBABLY going to happen, only you can consciously choose to ignore your minds distractions and follow the lesson…

As always it is your choice what you do, I can only show you the right door, you have to choose which way you go.

When you’re ready to continue the journey, then click the video below to begin:

Please note: For best results – I suggest you watch each video in turn and do the exercises recommended BEFORE moving on the the next lesson…

The more you consider the lessons in this video, the more the neural pathways in your mind change. By you considering the lessons here (and nothing else) you are changing how you think…

You may find that you consider this for a few days, or a few months until you suddenly feel like you have just ‘woken up’. You will probably think you know it straight awaythis is just your minds way of keeping you asleep…

You can keep yourself awake by replying with the sentence below when your mind chooses to say you know it but are not applying it…

“If I knew it, then why am I not doing it?” - This sentence is a simple thinking structure.

You are not looking for an answeryou are looking to become continuously aware of the fact that you think you know it, but are not applying it…

This action will lead to you waking up and change occurring at some point. 

What you are doing with this structured thinking process is reigniting a structured thinking pattern which we were born with… But one which has failed through lack of use thanks to the way we are taught what to think, not how to think.


30 thoughts on “Lesson 3: The ABC Guide To Living A Legendary Life”

  1. Philip Hodkinson says:

    Hi Andy. I didn’t realise this was you as I did the test from another link. I scored well over 80% on the happiness scale, by the way. Downloaded Bug Free Mind earlier this year, so understand what you are about. Great system but I still feel I am missing something
    I am a 70+year old martial artist and have no issues achieving “No mind” for long periods anywhere really. After a successful life in lots of ways, still healthy and train, own my home, married over 50 years (to same woman lol), no debts, etc; etc.
    I have never had great wealth, but whenever I needed money I always found enough from somewhere. However, since I retired and started my own business this skill, ability, whattever, seems to escape me, so I’ll follow this programme and see where it leads me as I still have unshakable self confidence ( almost to arrogance, wry smile).
    All the best to you

    1. andyshaw99 says:

      Hi Phillip,

      I think it may be a little fear of loss creeping in. Because you are comfortable and therefore don’t need to do it, but want to. So I’d take that apart using the section on this in Creating A Bug Free Mind. I can’t say for certain, but I think you will find the answer there.

      Best wishes,


  2. elizabeth says:

    thank you for putting my name on the list. All the best. Elizabeth

  3. Richard says:

    Look forward to reading the books

  4. Sheila says:

    Would love to know when & where the books are available.

    1. andyshaw99 says:

      Hi Sheila,

      Everything is available, sorry if I’ve given the impression it’s not. Could you help me and tell me why you think they were not available as I think something must be broken somewhere 🙁

      Best wishes,


      1. Carolina says:

        See my post on video 2 page. You say on every vid that your program and books are not available.

      2. Colin says:

        Andy, your video 3 says that the books are unavailable for the next 8 weeks.

        1. Andy Shaw says:

          Hi Colin,

          Yes we missed that in the check. It’s an old video that will be updated sometime in December.

          Best wishes,


  5. bradley lunders says:

    early list please and thank you

    1. andyshaw99 says:

      Hi Bradley,

      Everything is available already… Though please tell me if I’ve missed something.

      Best wishes,


      1. kirsten says:

        The reason people think they are not available is in this video you say they are not. For 8 weeks.

        1. Andy Shaw says:

          Thanks Kristen, my mistake, they are available and I will update them as soon as time allows.

          Best wishes,


        2. Sally says:

          Exactly. You say in the video the books aren’t available. Confusing!

  6. clara says:

    Andy, please put me on the notification listing, you say you have taken all the books off sale and something big is coming – tell us more. thanks, Clara

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Clara,

      The video is wrong and should’ve been updated. The books are updated and available. After the current situation has calmed down I’ll update the video.

      Best wishes,


  7. Thomas Knutsen says:


    i would like to know when the books are coming out!:)


    1. Andy Shaw says:

      hi Thomas,

      The books are out and available now, it is my mistake as I haven’t yet updated the video.

      Best wishes,


  8. Nick says:

    When you say that nobody knows what they want -I disagree. I think that everybody wants to have enough money to buy what they want, experience what they want, and help out whomever they want. In other words have the ability to do whatever they want. However in the real world this requires money. Second point – in designing your life -you write down everything you want in it and then you say “go make it happen”. How do you make something happen when you don’t know how to make it happen? You said focus on what you want. I wanted a new job that paid a certain amount and had other characteristics. I focused on it and visualized it in my mind as having happened. I didn’t get it and I got something I didn’t want. So how does someone know what they are doing wrong when they don’t get what they are focusing on?

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Nick,

      Starting with your first point and then blending it to your second: ‘In other words have the ability to do whatever they want.’

      Everyone who wants that gets that. They are asking for the ability to do whatever they want, so they get more or asking for the ability to do whatever they want. What they do not get is the ability to do whatever they want, because they want it.

      You cannot have what you do not already have.

      Also there is no placed on the map called, the ability to do whatever they want. However, for me there was a place marked on the map that said, if you write this book on structured thinking and if you help enough people get what they need then you will have the ability to do whatever you want. So I had a clearly marked place I could see and continuously walk towards which I knew when I reached it would mean I got what I wanted, which was the ability to do whatever I wanted. However, from the point of conception of this place existing I knew it existed, and I knew I could get to it if I was prepared to walk down the road of getting it. I knew there would be many obstacles in my path, but I knew that I would find my way past them as I had conceived my destination.

      Also I understood quantum physics, which says if I can conceive it then it is a probably reality. Which meant it was not a pipe dream, and stepping outside the comfort zone of our reality for a few seconds… I knew that if the multi-universe theory was correct that then an alternative version of me in another reality had already done it. So I thought if he can, then I can too.

      The fact that I didn’t know how to make it happen was not relevant to me as to me, clearly an alternative version of me had figured it out. And if he could I could. I also knew I could ask advice from him on how to do it when I got stuck.

      Now with all this mumbo jumbo in place I accepted that I already had it, IF I wanted to go on the journey to get it.

      Next it was a simple matter of stepping foot on the first step of the journey, which for me involved writing the most effective work ever created on self-improvement. That step was one big step which took about 9 months, and I am still working on that single step today, but there have been millions in between.

      Once you know your destination, then it is a matter of stepping out on the journey and keep going. Life only releases its rewards when a person refuses to quit. I do not put any effort into refusing to quit, I simply refuse to not keep going.

      At some point in the last 18 months I attained the ability to do whatever I want. However, what I enjoy is to keep helping, as I can do this and still have whatever I desire.

      Everything I have now, I had then before I begun my journey. Everything I am going to have, I also had then and have now. I am complete where I am, I do not need more. However, this does not mean I will not get an abundance of more.

      I had to be complete before I begun the journey, I had to know for certain that it was going to happen and I had to decide that it would happen or that I would die trying.

      This is the story of the man who was digging for gold and gave up after a number of years and sold his worthless mine to a geologist who worked out the vein of gold was just two foot deeper.

      Life will only release its rewards to you when you refuse to quit.

      If you got something you didn’t want, then the correct lesson to have learnt from it wasn’t that you didn’t want it. But the fact you got it meant it was what you needed to help you grow. The lesson came for you, and instead of learning from the lesson which had been sent to help you. You decided to label it as something else and failed to learn what it had for you. This means you will be forced to learn the lesson again when you attempt next time UNLESS you revisit the lesson and learn what it is trying to teach you.

      Whenever I am stopped, and over the last 6 years I have probably been stopped 30 to 50 times, I am instantly (or very nearly instantly) grateful for being stopped, as it means there is something for me to learn so that I may progress to the next level.

      This isn’t some ideological theory I cooked up, this is the way the laws work in this place. I have learnt to accept these laws and be grateful that they are there, as they are there to help me.

      Best wishes,


      1. Josie says:

        Omg….I’m going to frame your reply Andy and read it everyday! You just hit me with the biggest lightbulb moment in that story. I’ve been thinking that I understand this concept but felt I didn’t quite get the complete picture. I could smell that vein of gold but not see it lol. I’ve got it …. You need to add this dialog somewhere as it might be other people’s lightbulb moment. Thank you so much 🙂 Josie

  9. Steve Madden says:

    I am following the free material you are sending me and I agree with your vision. Looking forward to more.

    Dr. Madden
    Professor of Communication

  10. Tami says:

    Hi Andy. Is this a new edition of your program?

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Hi Tami,

      Not sure what you mean?

      Best wishes,


  11. Tamara says:

    i have a blueprint that cannot be completed until I know WHERE … the details must be tailored to the PLACE (the lot – windows to the scenery, not the neighbors house) … so how do I continue to craft this?

  12. Tamara says:

    this is one thing I struggle with: “If you got something you didn’t want, then the correct lesson to have learnt from it wasn’t that you didn’t want it. But the fact you got it meant it was what you needed to help you grow. The lesson came for you, and instead of learning from the lesson which had been sent to help you. You decided to label it as something else and failed to learn what it had for you. This means you will be forced to learn the lesson again when you attempt next time UNLESS you revisit the lesson and learn what it is trying to teach you.” … I got it once. then divorced it. then I got it again, 10x as challenging. in it and listening for the lesson—still here. still learning. working to clean my mind, thank you. working to thrive despite the experience life throws at me. more confused …

  13. ANON says:

    please don’t publish full name …

    1. Andy Shaw says:

      Surname removed.

      Didn’t know I could do that 🙂

  14. Dorothy Ann Cole says:

    Dear Andy and your staff,

    Bless you all for the great work you are doing in creating a better mindset for the world. I appreciate the simple, straight forward, approach. And everyday, as I either gather a new insight or have a previous one affirmed or confirmed, I feel happier!! I imagine you might be feeling very satisfied that you are reaching so many people with education that will so powerfully impact their lives.

    I am using another healing system in conjunction with this work. I asked my higher self if I had a Natural Success Mindset? YES. On a scale of 1-10, how much was I using? 5. I checked for an emotional block and there was one. I released the blocked emotion, and then checked. I am now at a 10.

    YES PLEASE, please put me on the EARLY List.

    Thank you for all that you do, Andy.
    Blessings to you and yours,
    Dorothy Ann Cole

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