A conversation with Bob Doyle on the difference between knowing and believing…

~ Your mindset guarantees your success or failure in all you do ~ Andy Shaw



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Best wishes,




9 thoughts on “A conversation with Bob Doyle on the difference between knowing and believing…”

  1. Bryan Hendrix says:

    Great video, I have been reading the books now for almost a year and the concepts of “knowing” and “having” were areas of considerable difficulty for me since all of my desires were things and experiences that I have never had or done before. Then one evening over the summer while rereading something in CABFM I had an “ah-ha” moment where something suddenly becomes clear and I said to myself “I’ve got it”. There is a sensation in the body that occured in that moment and I realized that was the feeling of knowing or having. Now, I know what it means to be in a state of knowing/having where my designs are concerned. Cool stuff. I learned a few things from the video, it’s always good to hear someone else’s perspective. I’m looking forward to reading Bob’s ebook.

    Thanks Andy for all you do. And thanks for being Andy. 🙂

  2. Steve says:

    Andy. I know something for sure, the cute pussy was very relaxed on the chair behind you. A great chat by you two, I have had the whole believing, knowing thing on my mind a lot. This clarified things for me. Cheers

  3. Vince says:

    Great comments guys, much appreciated

  4. Carol says:

    Great video Andy! As always!!! If you decide to do grocery in Rio we can chat a bit, lol!!! 🙂 have a wonderful year!!!

  5. Mitchell says:

    Great stuff!!! I’m reminded of Neville Goddards work. I quote “Fancy assembles and imagination fuses” , becoming aware of my constant inner talk (my nutter) is directing my imagination or focus is the place to start. Thanks for the constant reminders. Thinking from already driving the car,sleeping in the house, visiting the locations and enjoying all that my heart desires is first lived in my mind as I drop off to sleep and seeing it so! So go ahead imagine it and remember to enjoy yourself and stop arguing with your nutter about it.

  6. Amir fauzi says:

    Very good

  7. Ron says:

    I felt like a fly on the wall overhearing two friends having a casual and flowing conversation with very little or no agenda, which made it very easy to receive the salient points. THANKS for letting me listen in.

  8. Susan says:

    You two say you could sit and chat for hours and I say I could sit for hours listening to you. Very fun! I want to tell you of an incident that I remember years ago, since I’ve been learning this concept of knowing, if you don’t mind. A friend of mine was driving home at night on a quiet stretch and a Sasquatch-like being crossed the road in front of him and scared the heck out of him. He was a young man then. He doesn’t bring it up ever, but I heard of it and asked him about the experience. He said he saw what he saw and he does not need to listen to anything unbelieving from anyone or even defend what he knew to be true. This is, since I’ve been learning from you, a profound memory for me because it is similar, to me, about knowing you can create your own life, by design, which might be unbelievable, even indefensible to some. You have to know it, to know it. No one else can flip that switch for you. Does that make sense to you? Thank you for you, Andy!

  9. Manvir says:


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