2014 – A quick review
of the progress in just under five years

~ Your mindset guarantees your success or failure in all you do ~ Andy Shaw

This year has been very tiring, but very enjoyable and certainly inspirational. But firstly I’d like to say thank you for choosing to continue to listen to the ramblings of some guy who thinks he may have a few of life secrets sorted out. As usual I’ve really enjoyed spending my time once again this year in an environment of like minded people.

I trust your year has continued to deliver results for you. Or if you’ve only come to know me this year, then I trust you will soon be seeing the results you deserve and are waiting for you to tune into.

Here’s what we did this year…

2014 started off pretty much the same as the previous four years with a Caribbean cruise! Yes, I really have a hard life… This was my fifth cruise with approximately 400 business owners, authors and marketing people who work in my industry. As usual we had a great time, met old friends, made new ones, and did business whilst generally eating and drinking far too much.


2014-cruise-mark-mike-pete-nicola-andy            st-thomas-2014-with-friends         back-on-the-boat-4th-year-running-with-friends 

Then in February we set off on a World tour, teaching our Life Design Getaway seminars in New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Vancouver, Sydney, Singapore, Dubai and finally back in West Sussex UK…

world-tour-1st-stop-new-york           world-tour-las-vegas-students          world-tour-sydney-with-friends

world-tour-secret-mastermind-day-singapore           world-tour-san-francisco-tim-andy-pete         world-tour-marina-bay-sands-selfie

The whole purpose of the trip was to produce a training course that could be taught without me presenting it live. I have considered getting people to teach this, but I am still considering it. So I decided that the best way to produce a training course would be to record a live event. And in order for me to create a presentation good enough to be recorded (as I am NOT a professional speaker) was to practice at multiple events around the world and then by the time I got back to the UK, I’d be pretty good. We could then record my final presentation of the tour and make it into a downloadable course.

There’s no plan to do anymore of these, though there may be a slim chance of us doing another live event in Las Vegas in May for a small number of people as we will be in Vegas in May anyway. But I’m still just considering it… Please don’t ask for more information as this is all we have right now.

On the tour we were booked to go to Mumbai too, however, because of a visa issue unfortunately we had to cancel that event… It meant that by yet another wonderful twist of everything working out for me, we got to have a weeks holiday in Thailand while on this round the world trip… Can you imagine if I had said to my wife, ‘while on the tour, me and the guys want to take a week off in Thailand…’ That just wouldn’t have worked!


Then through an amazing series of events we ended up being asked to put a proposal together to put Structured Thinking into an entire countries education system! (Even when I write this now this still sounds inconceivable to me, but it did happen!)

Then I was asked to write my vision for their country if they were to put my Saltori system into their education system… This was even more shocking. I must admit I just wrote out a 7,500 word draft and thought it would probably hit a wall at that stage… But it didn’t.

We are still in the very early stages at the moment, though a couple of days ago we were informed that I’ll have the opportunity some time in the next year or so to present my vision for their country in a key decision makers meeting.

Meaning I’ll get to explain personally to the top people in the country how our Saltori Structured Thinking project could change their educational system and the outlook for the whole country. Can you imagine the tremendous benefits the children, their parents and the entire country would get when just the first generation of children begin to think the way they were naturally designed to before it all got messed up…

Taking just depression alone for a moment as you know all the different mind ailments Saltori may or can cure… It could practically eradicate that from the country, and when you consider that nearly 1 in 10 people will suffer chronic depression in the next 12 months, the results could be world-changing when displayed.

So saying we are excited really doesn’t do this justice. Frankly we are still a little stunned at the ease and fun with which this is unfolding. I look forward to one day being able to share the whole manifestation story with you.

Since we submitted our proposal we have also been approached by other countries. Plus a few large corporate companies have expressed an interest. All of this is early stages though we expect to see some significant progress within a reasonable period of time.

It was always my intention to teach Structured Thinking to children, though I thought it would be 15 to 25 years into the project, not to touch this level in just over 4 years… Though we really are not in a rush as we have a lot going on and you know I feel everything unfolds the way it is supposed to.

Then a few weeks later we had a quick trip to Germany and had a meeting with some very inspiring people who want me to speak at their venue and produce my books in Germany. This will probably happen next year, though again there’s no rush.

Whilst we were on the world tour I made a brag that my son was able to get A grades in his exams with virtually no revision. To quote his mother, “he does the bare minimum and no more.”

So this year I’ve tried the techniques out a few times and the three times I tried it I got students from ‘D’ to ‘A’ with just a 20 minute chat. When I told people we had a lot of people asking if they could be taught this so they could be licensed to teach the techniques. This was not planned into our schedule, but clearly there’s been a lot of interest, so we will probably do more with this in the near future. If you would like to know more then please leave your details here and we will be sure to contact you if or when we move this project forward.

Click here to let us know you’re interested:

We also had our first annual Business Mastermind on our 2nd trip to Las Vegas in May. Just under 50 people from the Self Improvement world including several of the industry leaders came to our event. The first event was considered to be one of the best if not the best Masterminds ever done for this industry. This was all planned and organised by Pete & Tim I had nothing to do with this other than showing up.


Then immediately after the 7-day Mastermind we did the first of two 5½ day teaching seminars called Success Made Certain, which was held at Lake Las Vegas for 18 people who came from as far away as The United Arab Emirates, and New Zealand. It was a very enjoyable experience and emotional too.

These events were my intensive program teaching the 37 main thought structures from A Bug Free Mind and some fairly intensive implementation strategies.


Afterwards it was back to the UK and a few weeks of relative ease before the second SMC event in July. Again people travelled from all over the world to join us there for another 5½ days training.

That was great spending time with more like-minded people with incredible mindsets at the fabulous South Lodge Hotel. We had a great time and also enjoyed some great trips out in the evening.


Straight after that I took a couple of months off as it is very tiring training at live events. I don’t know how my Dad had the energy he did as a full time teacher. After doing just a few days training, I have even more respect for teachers now.

In the time off I got to have a couple of holidays with my family in the UK and Cyprus.


Those events ended the culmination of an 18 month pre-eminence project whereby we established A Bug Free Mind as probably the most effective mindset/mindfulness training there’s been created so far – which was pretty cool.

It was especially cool when my peers stood up in front of their peers and said things like, ‘you have to try Andy’s work, it’s something else.’

Bob Doyle one of the featured teachers from the film The Secret described my work as the most effective he’d ever seen in this field. Bill Harris another featured teacher from the film told his kids to read my books. There were these and some other very special moments when I saw the fruit of the work we’d all put in.

Then after the summer it was straight back to it in September as I wrote my new book Mastering The Law of Attraction and recorded it. So far over 100,000 people have downloaded it, mainly because I gave it away for free!

Financially things are going very well too. So I ordered a new toy and an experience which I’ll tell you about in a few months time 🙂

In October we travelled to San Diego for another Mastermind with our wonderful friends from Mind Movies, once again we met a lot of old friends and made some new ones. Then it was off to Las Vegas for the 3rd time this year with our friends Blair and Wendy…

After just a couple of days in Vegas it was time to get back to the UK. It was while I was in Vegas I had the inspiration to write a new Footstep Through Your Mind series which I’m really enjoying writing.

Then in November we did another large promotion to our international partners. Thousands of new people became Saltori/A Bug Free Mind students and we are now in almost 140 countries around the world… Which personally I still find staggering as it is still only available in English. But I was open to a greater manifestation…

I’ve also been asked to work with some professional boxers on their mindsets. Not sure where this is going to go, but I thought it may be fun and a bit of a hobby rather than real work. How this started was I’ve been a bit of a boxing fan for years and getting to work with an Athletes mind at the top level of this sport should be quite entertaining. Get to meet some cool people too, you’d know their names.

As for the manufactured coincidences this year, they seem to keep stacking up. If I told you who I’ve turned down being introduced to this year you probably wouldn’t believe me.

That about wraps it up for the review of what we did this year…

As for where we are in my overall loose timescale… We are miles ahead on connections. We are miles ahead on pre-eminence. We are about six months behind where I’d like to be with our products. We are about 8 months behind where I wanted to be with paid media. We are about right where it comes to new people.

Overall, we are on target for pretty much achieving all I set out to achieve in the first 5 years, and in fact a fair bit more too. Not that we need to, but a connection that was made this year should ensure we catapult ourselves forward on paid media in 2015. All this means we are well on target for my ‘loose’ 10-year plan.

I look forward to giving you an update again next year.

Thanks again for your continued interest on my little project to change the world.

Have a truly wonderful New Year!



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