Do you feel you are
on a road to nowhere?

~ Your mindset guarantees your success or failure in all you do ~ Andy Shaw


Have You Ever Wondered…

Why you are not getting anywhere, or why at times your life can be so hard?

Or have you ever wondered why you don’t have the life you truly desire despite all your life-long efforts to get there?

Or have you sometimes noticed that things you once did with ease, like taking risks now seem almost impossible barriers to overcome?

Or do you feel you procrastinate more and more, yet you know much more than you used to, meaning you should be able to be more decisive?

Or do you simply feel lost at times, and wondering what happened to the plans you had for leading this great life?

Or do you often feel like you are never going to find the answer you’re looking for, as if it is continually being pulled just out of your reach?

If you have, then the answer is surprisingly simple…


“You are attempting to load good software onto a computer which has a virus!”

What this means is that your mind has bugs in its ability to think in some areas of life…

In some areas, such as when doing your hobby you’ll find your mind has no bugs…

But in areas you are struggling with you’ll find plenty of bugs…

And you’ll also find that the more you try and fix those areas then the more and more bugs will grow there…

The truth is that EVERY SINGLE MIND ON THE PLANET has bugs! There is a virus inside your mind and when the bugs are left to run free and untreated then with every passing day your mind is more deeply controlled by this virus.

What happens is in the area you wish to expand your life and succeed with, then the virus and number of bugs in your thinking grow. Starting from nothing the bugs slowly grow and consume your ability to create your dreams and desires.

And if you do not remove these bugs… Then you WILL NEVER achieve the life you desire! This is the simple reason why over 99% of people will fail to get what they desire from life…

doing-it-wrong-4The problem is: We have been taught to overcome the problem the wrong way…

We have been taught that the way to fix our problems in life is to pour into our minds great information about the area of life we wish to see improve.

This appears logical, and the whole planet does it this way… So it must be right yes?

Wrong… If the whole planet is doing something one way, then that is the perfect reason to stop and consider if it’s right or not before copying them!

So it’s the wrong way to do it…

In fact learning new things whilst your mind has bugs in it is almost certainly destructive to your progress… So not only does it not help, but it hurts too!

The uncomfortable truth which goes against the currently acceptable way of thinking is that no amount of ‘new’ good software will ever get rid of the bugs, let alone the virus!

Think about it this way, you couldn’t put new software into a computer if it had a virus on it?

No! The logical and obvious step would be to either remove the virus yourself, or seek an experts help to make sure the virus is gone…

So this is logical yes?

…And it would be illogical to put software onto the computer before removing the bugs yes?

Obviously right, yes?

computer-virus-2Well if you actually want to have the life you desire, then first you have to remove this virus before attempting to load on any good software.

Success in anything is simply a matter of doing certain things in a certain order…

The reason people fail to make progress with their dreams and desires is they are simply putting information in place before the mind is ready to proceed…

They then attempt action upon this new information, but as the mind is not ready then this is doomed to fail…

If you are struggling to succeed in any area of life, then this is why you are struggling – though your ego (the voice in your head) will attempt to tell you that I am wrong, and that this is too simple an explanation…

If you ACTUALLY want success, then I suggest you learn to ignore the voice, and listen to your feelings…

The voice lies to you, your feelings will speak the truth…

Go through this again, and this time feel for the truth as it may just be all you need to see changes in your thinking…

The only way to make actual progress is to first get the mind ready to proceed and then add in the relevant information, and then take the appropriate action…

Now you already KNOW THIS… So why do you think you’ve been attempting to fix an area of your life by doing things in the wrong order?

This should be a question worth considering…

If you answered the voice in your head, then you are correct… Though as less than 2% of people can see it as a problem at this stage… So no worries if you didn’t…

Because at this stage, you’re still thinking that the voice is you…

But the secret that the voice doesn’t want you to know is… The voice isn’t you!


The problem is, until now you have probably not known what the problem is or where it may even be. You’ve been searching your entire life for the answer… You’ve felt the answer is close… So close at times that you can virtually taste it.

Yet no matter what you try and do to find it, the answer you are looking for eludes you…

The problem is, you are looking in the wrong place!

The answer is not outside, it is on the inside… The solution you are looking for (though you almost certainly don’t know it) lies inside your mind. The problem now though is that it is invisible.

So because it’s invisible you can’t find it…. It’s been in there for so long, that it has become impossible for you to see it. The problem you are seeking to overcome is actually hidden inside your mind hiding in plain sight…

I am sure you’ve read from the ancient teachers that the secret to life lies inside your own mind before… Well this is what I’m talking about…

Previously you knew you were close, you could feel it’s presence. And you were right!

But now it’s time for you to remove the problems ‘cloak of invisibility’ and actually create the success in life which you would be having IF you didn’t have this passenger giving you the wrong instructions.

As it’s these wrong instructions that have led to you creating by mistake these invisible problems inside your mind… But please don’t criticise yourself, as this is not your fault…

its-not-your-fault-2Seriously this is not your fault!

You were taught what to think, you have never ever been trained HOW TO THINK…

Every teacher you have had in your life, from a person you noticed on the street to a college professor taught you what to think, not how to think…

So the by-product of not knowing how to think results in bugs in the way you think…

These bugs are things like your false beliefs, self limiting thoughts, self-sabotaging tendencies, unhelpful attitudes, incorrect programming from your parents, family, friends, colleagues, wrongly judged assumptions… you name it!

There’s stacks of faulty stuff going on up there and it is totally responsible for your current level of success, it’s not you, it’s what you’ve been taught to think that’s the problem…

Don’t get me wrong, you can still think the same things, choose to ‘believe’ the same things, but it’s how you think that defines your success in that area, not what to think!

Another uncomfortable truth is, you have one or maybe dozens and dozens of false assumptions… And these are what you have been trained to think are solid rock…

So you attempt to build your life on this ‘solid rock’ and sooner or later it crumbles away and you are left wondering what happened…

I know what you are thinking… But changing how you think only seems like an overwhelming task…

In fact to go inside your mind and journey through it fixing all the tiny and incorrect thinking patterns and replacing them with tiny thinking structures instead is actually easy, and pleasurable…

No seriously, pleasurable…

Why? Because you see instant success!

It’s easy to keep going and fix something if you can see you’re making progress…

When you begin to remove all of these false programs, it really is surprisingly simple, easy, enjoyable and actually fun to do.

So you have a choice, you can either do the same thing and keep getting the result you’ve got…

Meaning you can keep attempting to achieve success by pouring in knowledge to a mind with a virus, and then expect to succeed when you eventually muster up enough effort to finally take action… But whilst KNOWING your action will fail!

Or you can choose to recognise that you have an invisible problem in the area of life you want success in and you can decide to remove it.

If you go for the same thing, then it won’t work… Though feel free to have a go at proving me wrong…

getting-nowhere-2After all, it’s only another 1 to 5 years of your life you’ll waste on the hamster wheel before you again realise that it’s not working and ask your subconscious mind for the solution and it brings you back to me again…

Yes, you asked for the solution, that’s why you’re here now…

Though only 5% of you will ‘believe’ me… Meaning 95% of people think they know more about their own thoughts than I do… Which of course is their right to think that…

However, who’s right is irrelevant, only what’s right matters…

And right now, only 5% of people reading this know what I say is the truth…

Unfortunately, 95% of people reading this are doomed to waste the next 1 to 5 years before they come back here…

Then again in 1 to 5 years still only 5% then, will know I speak the truth!

Unfortunately the problem is hidden in plain sight…

The 5% are feeling this is right… The 95% are listening to the voice in their mind that’s telling them I’m wrong and trying to sell them my work…

The voice is right about me trying to sell you my work…

But it’s wrong about me being wrong…

Though I don’t expect you to ‘believe’ me over a voice that you KNOW to be you guiding you the right way…

Speaking just to the guys who are doubting this right now…

Why not choose to consider the possibility that I’m right and the voice in your head is wrong…

After all, a little financial risk which is guaranteed sure beats 1 to 5 years on the hamster wheel?


Consider too for the next few seconds (if you’d like to of course)… How will it make you feel to realise you have spent another 1 to 5 years on the hamster wheel…

You may want to consider this slowly for a couple of minutes…

For the 5% of people who’ve had enough of living this way, and would like to instead choose to change your results…

Then I’d like to show you the process I developed for myself to fix my own mind when I begun to see the bugs!

The process first removes the bugs and then it installs a new way of structured thinking so that you can get anything you ‘want’. Then lastly it installs some very potent ‘anti-virus’ to prevent the darn bugs from coming back.

The ‘A Bug Free Mind Process’ is a 2-part experience…

As you read and listen to the first part – ‘Creating a Bug Free Mind’ will gradually clear all the bugs from your mind that have been sabotaging your success in the areas of life you desire success…

If you’ve found yourself lacking in motivation it’s because there are bugs in your mind stopping you… When they are removed, life in that area, and all areas gets easier!

Then in the second book ‘Using a Bug Free mind’ you’ll discover how to use your powerful new bug free mind in a whole new way as you learn to structure your thinking in a very simple way.

One of the many advantages of learning how to think instead of what to think is that when you have cleaned your bugs out, and you have your new way of thinking then any of the ‘shelf-help’ products you’ve previously bought and failed to get to work can be dusted off.

Because when you are ‘virus or Bug Free’ you will KNOW that they can now deliver for you!

Then lastly when your new system for how to think is in place you’ll also get some very potent ‘anti-viruses’ which are like your own joyful-easy-fun-2private bodyguards.

These will jump to your defense when you need them most… These are there to protect you in the future, long after you’ve stopped reading and listening to this process.

Now all this may sound hard, but I assure you it is not.

It is both rewarding and easy… I don’t do hard, I do easy and I like things to involve the least effort possible, as you will soon discover.

By the end of this process you may well have changed and you may now KNOW FOR CERTAIN that you ARE creating the life you desire in any and all areas of life in which you desire to create success…

Best wishes,




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