Kindle versions of Creating & Using A Bug Free Mind
now available again

~ Your mindset guarantees your success or failure in all you do ~ Andy Shaw

Whilst we were in the test phase of our development we made the decision to not make the books available on Kindle format.

However, the specific phase that required us to limit the supply of the books and audios is now complete and we are happy to say to those MANY requests we had to make the work available in Kindle format, that now all of Andy’s Bug Free Mind books are again available on Kindle.

If you would like to add a Kindle version to your set of Structured Thinking tools then click the images below to be taken to Amazon.

       bug-free-mind           bug-free-min-part-2            law-of-attractions 

Also we would like to make it clear that due to Amazon’s terms and conditions we are not able to sell any of the Kindle versions directly, they must be purchased through Amazon.


2 thoughts on “Kindle versions of Creating & Using A Bug Free Mind
now available again

  1. Teresa says:


  2. Donna says:

    I just recently took your test, and a lot of the answers I do not agree with. I absolutely love myself and my decisions. They have not been so great in the past and have totally changed over the past year. I attended a funeral last night and seeing a lot of people I do not trust. The new people in my life, I do trust, very much so. My life has been going leaps and bounds in the past year. I am not afraid to try new things, and I’m not afraid of failure I actually learned by it. Anyways, I now reside with both my daughters and could not be happier. But I know it’s still going to get better and better. There will be mountains and vallys and that is OK, I will always get through life and smile while doing it. Thanks for the input. I will think about it.

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